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The Sublime Mazenovich Empire (Uresaj Imperikana I Mazenovika in Archaic High Westland Language) is a nation on planet Mezvaraa, on the Westland Continent, founded in CA 2082. The capital of the empire is Steinerheim, formerly known as Amasur City. For twelve years up to 2104, they fought the Siegland Union, and managed to conquer 90% of Siegland, reducing them to small resistance cells across the Outer Islands. The Mazenovich Empire is led by the charismatic Wilhelm Steiner, 'The Chosen Emperor'. Currently their goal is global domination of Mezvaraa, alongside the capture and repossession of the Republic of Mechvaraa's WorldJumper technology.



The Sublime Mazenovich Empire is said to be founded by a young fellow named Wilhelm Steiner, who after tortured and exiled by some corrupt Siegland Union's officials, and personal hatred toward them, waged a war against the failing government by gathering people who suffered similar fates and took up their arms and joined him.

This resistance, the Gilded Path, emerged victorious, seizing all Union's assets along the way, and finally seized the town of Kadrack, one of several major Union military's bases. The young Steiner was declared as their leader, and immediately set his small empire on his birthplace.


The territorial map of the Sublime Mazenovich Empire in 2104 CA, along with severely-decimated Siegland Union.

The truth is, there's a third party who contributed greatly to the resistance's decisive victory. They are the Exiled Eskars, a mysterious society who are established back before the First Calamity, the followers of the Mad Warchief Stuhar Khan. After the First Calamity, they were hunted down by the old Siegland governments for various reasons, so they hid from civilized world for centuries, developing their own secretive cultures.

The Eskars are lead by an old man who called himself as Vadim Metrak, the Right Hand of the Warchief, who was recorded to be killed during the final day of the First Calamity. Observing Siegland's rapid decline, they reached the Gilded Path, and offered their helps, in order to become free again, stepping out from the shadow after centuries.

Vadim personally trained Steiner the ancient Sadakhsau Martial Arts, along personally funded the resistance in manpower and weaponries. A small band of thieves and peasants turned into a powerful guerrila movement in short time. Then all-out riot happened in Amasur City, then Siegland's capital. The resistance, aided by the exiles and disgruntled civilians, outnumbered government forces. The city went in flame for days. In the end, they won, and by the tradition of the Eskars, Steiner was inaugurated as the 'Emperor' of his new Empire. The city of Amasur was renamed to Steinerheim and henceforth set as the capital, in honor to the young Emperor, and the state is named in honor of the Emperor's mother, Marian Mazenovika.

Marian Steiner[]


Portrait of Marian Stenier. Circa 2090, Imperial Archive.

Marian Steiner (nee Mazenovika/Mazenovich) was the mother of the Emperor Steiner. Said to be a kind and affectionate mother, also possessed a high moral stance. Their life conditions were really poor, while simultaneously the Siegland Union suffered a massive economy meltdown. As the result, they couldn't pay tithes to the Siegland government, while also struggled to keep themselves fed enough.

Anyone who failed to pay their tithes will have their assets taked away, or they and their family be subjected to forced labors, and/or sent to gulags, while the aforementioned punishments applied. Marian got sent to a gulag for failing to pay in time, and forcibly taken away from her son. The young boy struggled to get his mother back, but the officials horribly beat him up and throwing his unconscious body somewhere else.

After this, he left with no family, no money, nothing but a few friends who cared enough to help him. Those horrible events drove him resentful, and he found the logical conclusion: break away from the Siegland and fight them.

His small resistance group started as a mere group who stole food from governemnt's mills. As time goes by, they expanded their operations, like robbing banks and hijacking supply vehicles. And then, some day later, they met the Exiled Eskars, and the rest is history.

Meanwhile in a gulag, Marian was held in. Raised in abject poverty, she was smart to ration her food in there. Several days before the Independence War, the gulag underwent a massive revolt that took thousands of prisoners fleeing that damned place, Marian included. Realizing nothing left for her, Marian settled in an abandoned cabin in a forest, raising another toddler she found in a dumpster.

After their independence, Steiner didn't rest on his comfortable throne. Instead he took his time to find Marian, but such search attempt is akin to searching for a hay in the needlestack. Nevertheless, Steiner found her. It was a bittersweet reunion however, because Marian died shortly after they met due to the massive abuses she received in the gulag. Steiner laid her mother to rest in her birthplace, Amasur, now Steinerheim. The day where she died subesequently be named as the "National Mourning Day".

Insulting the very name of Marian Steiner, nee Mazenovika, is a grave offense punishable by death. Many Siegland soldiers who happen to be captured by Steiner would threw 'Joe Mama' jokes at him, which he in turn returned the jokes with several 5.56mm bullets to their head.

Territorial Expansion[]

The Empire began expanding their terriroty by many means, such as persuading a settlement to join or fighting the Sieglanders directly and indirectly. Soon they gained more civilians, and by proxy, their military capablities increased as well. And many technological advancements achieved by the Empire, thanks to hard works of the exiles and Union technological and military assets seized and secured.

On CA 2092, the Great Empire declared war to the Union. The result is predictable. A prosperous state against an old and dying government. By the end of 2104, 90% of the Siegland's territory fell to the Empire, including the capital, Los-Andzheles. All remaining Sieglanders either surrendered unconditionally, executed for resisting, or fled to Southern Westland, the archipelagos surrounding the continents, or the Free State of San Juan.

On 2107, the Empire reached the vacant Midland region on the east, occupying the lawless region that was the former Alexandrian Kingdom. All remaining Lord-Governors of Alexandria declared their oath to the Empire. In months the region were renamed as 'Midland Administrative Territory'. Many cynical citizens across the Mez called the new Alexandria as 'the Eastern Mazenovich Empire'.


Imperial Military is comprised by approximately 50 million strong soldiers from all walks of life, divided into five military theaters, deployed across the Westland and Midland continent. Having acquired much of Siegland's military industrial assets, the Empire crafted much of their own equipments using nationalized companies, while much of the resources are gathered locally, gathered from the conquered locations or received throught imports from Southern Westland nations. Thanks to the exploitation of oil wells discovered across Westland, the Imperials don't have to rely on unstable Red Shard gemstones, instead opting in the venerable diesel engine to power much of their machines.

Much of the productions of goods and materiels are handled through several major industrial moguls:

- R-Tech Manufacturing: The primary arms and explosives manufacturers of the Imperial Military, started as a separate sub-manufacturer of Siegland's main arms manufacturer, Tselinoyarsk Munition Concern who defected to the Empire on its early days. Also manufactures mining and trenching equipments. Based on Glassaugh City.

- LucinaCo, Ltd.: Produces medical supplies for medical sections across the Empire. Started as a wine-making company facing bankrupcy from Siegland's detrimental economic policies, LucinaCo is the first company to fund the Gilded Path, who in turn promised the company free reign to operate on the Imperial territories and beyond. The company's CEO, Scarlett Anghelescu is a personal friend of the Emperor. Based on Waldhaus Plateau.

- Agrippa-Matas Military Concern: A company specialized in agriculture, ration supply and vehicle manufacturing, a merger of Agrippa Manufacturing and MatasFood, a major restaurant chain across the Westland. Multi-based on Hammerzeit and Metrako.

- Svaldivari Shipyard: The primary navy vessel manufacturer. Multi-based on Albrecht Town and Andreas.

- Hoffnung Electronics Inc.: A conglomerate of electronic manufacturers primarily producing computers, television and telephone sets, and mid-long range radar equipments. Based on Ehrenfriedersdorf.

- BTO Motor Corporation: Mainly produces civilian cars and armored military cars, also manufactures aircrafts and musical instruments. Based on Biedenkopf.
